Volume 23, Week 14

Full share &yellow half shares

218 Gates Avenue between Classon and Franklin
(IMPACCT Brooklyn at the Gibbs Mansion)
5:00 to 7:30 pm

Announcements for Week 14

  • We will be having a core meeting during distribution NEXT Thursday, 9/12, at 6:15. If you’re interested to see how the core works, feel free to come sit in!

  • We need reusable bags! If you have any extras, feel free to bring to distribution. We appreciate your donations!

Meet the Clinton Hill CSA Core Group!

Curious how the CSA is run? One of the ways that the CSA keeps costs down is by being fully volunteer run! Member shifts at at distribution are essential, and we have a core group that steers the planning and execution of the season. Each week for the remainder of the season, we’ll feature a member of the core group that steers the CSA and tell you what they do!

Meet Rachael!

Role in the CSA: I’m the in-season Treasurer for summer, and the Distribution Manager for the monthly winter share. In summertime, I help process any EBT payments and track incoming payments. During winter, you’ll see me distributing the winter share boxes.

Favorite vegetable: Ted's bell peppers are the best - so crispy and sweet. I can never find a grocery store pepper that tastes as good as his. 

Something you wouldn’t guess about me: We are a household of senior rescues: Alice (cat), Della Reese (dog), and Robert Shaw (dog). Out of the bunch, Robert (a chi-weenie) visits pick ups from time to time, and loves being dressed up in Halloween costumes: bumble bee, Han Solo, a hot dog, just to name a few. He'll be happy to meet you at the CSA Halloween party!

This week’s share

  • Assorted tomatoes

  • Basil

  • Sweet peppers

  • Yellow onions

  • Garlic

  • Lettuce

  • Mixed mustard greens

  • Swiss chard

  • Flat beans or summer squashes

  • Fruit: peaches from Yonder Farm, or the last of Windflower’s cantaloupes

  • Extras: bread, mushrooms, eggs, coffee, granola

News from Windflower Farm

Distribution No. 14, Week of August September 2, 2024

Wishing you a Happy Labor Day from all of us at Windflower Farm! We hope you managed to get away from the grind for a little while.

What’s new on the farm?

The kids are gone! For the past ten weeks we’ve had five youngsters from the neighborhood working with us in the packing shed. Three of them were new to any kind of work, and two had some farming experience under their belts. I’ll miss all five of them. But school starts this week, and we’ll be on our own for the remaining nine weeks of the CSA season. The music will be a little less Taylor Swift and a little more John Prine. Victoria can be less of a motivational speaker ("if we get the onions trimmed and sorted we can take a cookie break!") and more, “let’s get this done so I can get home to the kids.” Talk will be less the games of trivia we play while washing and packing lettuce (“name all the states that border Pennsylvania”) and more, well, I’m not sure what, but there’s an important election coming up, and there are winter projects and travel to plan.

I spent a couple of hours today on a little electric cultivator. I love how quiet it is, how almost meditative driving it can be. No engine growl, just the gentle clanking of steel sweeps passing through a rocky soil. Looking back, it is gratifying to find weed-free spinach, arugula, chard and beet beds.

We’re turning a corner in the season. Tomatoes, summer squash and corn are giving way to potatoes, winter squashes, sweet potatoes, and other root crops. I imagine that it will be cool enough to light the oven soon, and when it is, there will be vegetables to roast and stew. We harvested another five 20-bushel totes of pumpkins yesterday and have begun the Delicata, Sweet Dumpling and Kabocha squash harvests. Potato, sweet potato and carrot harvesting is also underway, and all these fall vegetables will begin to appear in your shares soon.  

Best wishes, Ted
