Farm-to-member food distribution
You purchase a food ‘membership’ for a season (May - October)
An upstate NY farm grows and delivers produce to its CSA members
Members receive farm fresh food all season!
A CSA for everyone
In order to make our farm-share accessible to all households in our community, Clinton Hill CSA offers three plans for membership based on household income. All members can choose between a Full Share (pickup every week for 22 weeks) or a Half Share (pickup every other week) that range from $9 - $33/week.
“Why join a CSA? You’ll get to eat the freshest of local vegetables and you’ll be exposed to some new vegetables and new ways of preparing them. You’ll develop a relationship with the farmers who grow your food. Perhaps best of all, you’ll get to be part of a community of your neighbors with a common interest in food, health and sustainability.”
- Ted Blomgren, Windflower Farm
Ted and Jan from Windflower Farm

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