The BEET: Vol 13, Issue 19.1


In today's BEET:

  1. Halloween Pot Luck!
  2. Honey Share available, Oct 23rd
  3. Wanted: off-site volunteer

CSA Pickup TOMORROW 5-7:30pm



Hello Everyone!

CHCSA is so glad to be hosting the Halloween Potluck this year!  We thought we would send out a separate newsletter about it this week, as we have lot going on.  Here's all the details:

When:  October 30th, during the pick up from 5-7pm

Bring a dish to share!  You can sign up tomorrow, or the following week to bring a dish.  We will be having a best dish contest!  Everyone who comes, can vote on their favorite dish in each category, and we'll announce the winners in the following week's newsletter- so bring something awesome!

The food categories are:

  • Entrees
  • Vegetarian entrees
  • Snacks (this could be something like carmel corn, or spiced nuts)
  • Salads
  • Sides
  • Pies
  • Other Tasty Desserts (since you can never have too many)

There will be fun-fill activities for kids (and adults who are young at heart).  We haven't decided on them all, but there will most likely be face painting, and pumpkin painting.

And, as it's the day before all-hallows; costumes are encouraged!

Trick or Treat Border

Brooklyn Honey Share

We will be offering local honey for sale at the next pick up - October 23rd.  It will be available for cash purchase at the pick up site.

Honey Bee Local 718 ( is a small apiary in Crown Heights that focuses on sustainable, treatment-free beekeeping practices. Unlike most beekeepers, they do not use any chemicals or antibiotics in my hives.The honey is raw, which means it is unheated and unprocessed, and contains pollen, small bits of wax, and natural enzymes that are often missing from conventional honey.  They also sell 100% pure beeswax candles with all-cotton wicking, ranging from $3 to $10.

Honey Pricing:

  • 6oz for $15
  • 3oz for $7.50


Wanted: Off-site Volunteer

Did you know that we have over ten years of THE BEET available online?  These awesome newsletters from days gone by are chock full of garden wisdom, recipes, and stories from the farm and our community. Currently, volumes 4 - present are available as PDF files, but we'd love some help getting them to be even more accessible.
If you're hoping to fulfill your volunteer hours off-site and have a little bit of web savvy, then contact Jessica Stewart at to find out more about this exciting project.

