Volume 22, Week 14

Full share & 🍯 yellow🍯 half shares

218 Gates Avenue between Classon and Franklin
(IMPACCT Brooklyn at the Gibbs Mansion)
5:00 to 7:30 pm

Sign up for work shifts!

Today’s letter from the farm highlights the importance of teamwork, both on the farm and at the distribution site. The CSA couldn’t function without the help of all its members! If you haven’t already, please sign up for work shifts today! As a reminder: all CSA members who complete their required work shift hours (4 hours for full shares, 2 hours for half shares) will be entered in a raffle at the end of the season!

Order local extras from Pleasant Valley Farm!

The next delivery from Pleasant Valley Farm is next week, September 7th! Orders must be placed by 8am on Wednesday 9/6. The store link is https://pleasantvalleyfarm.localline.ca/csa. If you have any questions, you are welcome to reach out to the farm directly at farm.pvf@gmail.com.

This week’s share

  • Tomatoes

  • Potted basil

  • Red potatoes

  • Red onions

  • Lettuce

  • Arugula

  • Salad mix (mustard green medley)

  • Sweet peppers

  • Squash

  • Fruit: Pennsylvania peaches, again complements of Yonger Farm

  • Extras: bread, eggs, granola, mushrooms

News from Windflower Farm

Many hands make little work at Windflower, which is a good thing because we pack almost 1000 CSA shares every week. On Mondays and Wednesdays, Candelaria and her son Fabian are in the barn bagging up colorful tomatoes, while Salvador, Junior, Daniel and Miriam are harvesting vegetables in the field. Meanwhile, Victoria, Charlie, Ezden, and Kristoffer are in the packing shed washing greens, writing labels, putting everything into plastic totes, and cleaning crates when the packing is done. Ted and Nate are most often working on field projects like plowing, discing, prepping beds and seeding, while Jan might be packing herbs or off mowing and weed whacking around the farm.


These days, I’m usually sorting and packing onions in the barn or greenhouse, which can be a long and lonely task. Today’s job was easier and much more enjoyable thanks to Annemarie and Jackie, two of our local share members who volunteer in exchange for a reduced-cost share. Annemarie and Jackie are sisters and they bring a lot of good energy and cheer even when faced with potentially unpleasant tasks like sorting onions. Unfortunately, some of our early red onions are a little past their prime. That didn’t stop us though! We donned plastic gloves and sorted out the gems, grading by size, and tossed the yucky ones into the compost bins. We also had a nice conversation about vegetables in the share and exchanged recipes. Before you knew it, we had most of the onions done.


We’re very grateful for our local share members who are volunteering with us this year. Next week, Ezden and Charlie are going back to school and our excellent volunteers will step in and help keep our packing shed running smoothly until the end of the season.


All of our CSA sites are volunteer led and powered. Every job is important: unloading the truck, setting up the site, checking in members, helping with distribution, cleaning up at the end of the day, writing newsletters, updating websites, answering emails, and all the organizing that happens before, during and after the season. Thanks to each of you and our dedicated core group members, we’re able to grow and distribute so much good food to you and your communities. We couldn’t do it without you.


Have a good week

