5pm–7:30pm at JACK Theater
18 Putnam Ave (between Grand and Downing)

Please wear a mask and practice social distancing!  

Friendly reminder: unclaimed shares are picked up by a local food pantry promptly at 7:30.  If you cannot pick up your share, you can send a friend, or post a message to the half share group to swap pick up weeks! 

  • Cipollini onions

  • Green oakleaf lettuce

  • Beets

  • Swiss chard

  • Mixed kales

  • Garlic scapes

  • Summer squash, zucchini, and/or cucumbers

  • Hakurei turnips

  • Fruit: Yonder Farm's sweet cherries

News from Windflower Farm

Distribution #5 - Week of July 6, 2020
Hello from the Windflower Farm team! We hope you had an enjoyable Fourth of July weekend.
What’s in your share?
‘Bianca’ (white Cipollini) onions
‘Panisse’ (green oakleaf) lettuce
‘Boro’ (red, bunched) beets
Swiss chard
Mixed kales (transitional and perhaps a little buggy)
Garlic scapes (truly the last)
Summer squashes or zucchinis or cucumbers (remember, “C” is for cucumber)
‘Hakurei’ (sweet, white) turnips
Your fruit share will be sweet cherries from Yonder Farm.
Pan fried and caramelized Cipollini onions on a slice of toasted bread with garlic butter is a favorite here. They’ll also enhance any pizza. Beets that are boiled, skinned, chopped into chunks and let to get cold in the refrigerator is another treat, and excellent served alone or as part of a salad.   
What’s new on the farm?
The good news here is that the farm experienced a series of rain showers over the course of the last week, giving us 1.25” overall and a much needed break from irrigating. The back pond came up nearly four feet and the bigger pond in the ravine came up a foot or more, replenishing our stock of water. The storm that delivered the most rain came with powerful winds that took out power lines and knocked trees down throughout the region. A large black walnut, at least that’s what I think it is based on its leaves and dark brown heartwood, was blown down across the ends of four of our pepper tunnels in a back field. The damage to the structures was significant, but crop loss will be minimal. I’ll post an image to our Instagram page. The number of rain deities is dizzying, but I’ve prayed to all of them, and this much I believe, that the one that heeded our call has a slightly malicious sense of humor. After having had so little precipitation thus far in the season, I am grateful for what we got, even if Nate and I will have to spend an afternoon with chainsaws and a pipe bender.
Have a great week! Ted

Free Community Fridges

This week, The New York Times published an article about the numerous free fridges popping around the city.  Playground Coffee has stationed three fridges in Bed Stuy, and there are others in Crown Heights, Prospect-Lefferts Gardens, and Bushwick, just to name a few. If you have food to spare, from your share or otherwise, consider leaving some in a community fridge! 



A clafoutis is a traditional French dessert, existing somewhere between custard and pancake - like a bread pudding without the bread, or an extra thick crepe. This recipe for a cherry clafoutis recommends leaving the pits in, as they imbue the custard with a delicate, almond-y flavor.

We will be seeing an abundance of zucchini and summer squash in the coming weeks - here's a long list of recipes to get through it all! 

We'd like to hear from you!

This newsletter is your weekly guide to all things CHCSA-related: share updates, news from Ted and Jan Blomgren at Windflower Farm, food storage tips, recipes, articles, neighborhood news, and more.

We'd love to hear from you, so don't hesitate to get involved. If you have any Beet submissions—recipes, articles, local events, etc—please feel free to send them to

Please check your email settings and allow all emails from email addresses! 
