Pick up today: 5pm - 7:30pm at PS 56 on the corner of Gates and Downing


If you can't pick up your share, that's fine—send a friend (just have them say your name at check-in and be sure to ask about extra shares) or, better yet, find a swap on the Clinton Hill CSA Forum. If you're not yet a member, be sure to request to join so you can get a'swappin and a'sharin. 

Remember take only the amount indicated on the whiteboards to ensure that there's enough for everyone. There's a swap box at the end of the table for those veggies that might not be up your alley (cilantro, anyone?). 

Bring bags for your veggies! We have a few plastic bags for those who forget, but it's important to remember to bring your own bags and containers for your veggies and other shares.

If you have any Beet submissions, please feel free to contribute! We'd love to have our members represented in these pages. Send recipes, neighborhood news, food articles to

This Week's Share

·        Magenta Lettuce

·        Happy Rich

·        Garlic Scapes

·        Dinosaur Kale

·        Cucumbers

·        Summer Squash or Zucchini

·       Koji

·        Scallions

·        Onions

·        Fruit Share: Strawberries and Rhubarb from Yonder Farm

From Windflower Farm

Hi everyone, 

Ted unfortunately didn't have a chance to write a newsletter this week. We've been taking advantage of the beautiful, dry weather to tackle some big cultivating and transplanting projects. We've had a very productive past couple days!

Best, Andrea


I really love garlic scapes, those squiggly little wigglers that will have been showing up in the past few shares. (I guess it goes without saying that I also love (?) having bad breath.) My favorite early summer food is garlic scape pesto, which can be tossed with pasta, slathered on crusty bread, or (not for the faint of heart!) spooned into your mouth when it's too hot to do anything but stare into the refrigerator listlessly and sweatily. Most often, I just throw together a mix of scapes, olive oil, lemon, parmesan, salt, and whatever in the nut family that I have on hand—pine nuts, walnuts, almonds are all up to the task. Dorie Greenspan also has an excellent recipe, which can be found here. If pesto isn't your bag (though how could it not be?!), the Crisper Whisperer provides a plethora of options for taming the odiferous and acrobatic green beasts.
